Monday, December 17, 2007

It's Been A While....

It's been a while since I posted. And, for that I apologize. I am alive and well! And I am sure I have a lot of catching up to do on all your blogs! I've really missed my blog friends, alot. Thanks to everyone who sent little notes checking up on me.
Basically, once we found out we weren't bringing home the September baby, I started to avoid anything "adoption". Thus, it became difficult for me to keep up on my blog. In many ways, I am still avoiding "adoption" of any sort. Most days it doesn't seem like a reality anymore and hope doesn't exist.

It's been over 12 weeks since our caseworker gave me the sad news. I have heard nothing from her since. . . NOTHING. I respect our agency and all the workers, therefore, I am trying very hard not to think negative thoughts. BUT - telling a couple they aren't getting a baby they had high hopes and not following up, to me, is very poor. I simply cannot wrap my brain around why they don't put effort into keeping communication open between themselves and hopeful, adoptive couples.
So, we've been busy doing other things.. .. working hard, going out, doing things around the house, etc.
That's my adoption up-date. Wish I had better news to share.


Anita said...


Thanks for the update! I've been checking in on ya!

LL said...

Hugs from me too, Pep! I can understand you needing a break. Enjoy the snow!

Anonymous said...

Hey Pep! I have been checking your blog. I have been thinking about you...hang in there, I know it's hard!!

Prayers for you~Robin