Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day . . .

Time and time again, life seems to stop for a few brief moments, whether by a tragedy or a miracle, to remind us how fragile life really is. Thoughts of those we love and care about seem to flood our brains and make us wonder if we've shown them how much they mean to us. Perhaps I am feeling a bit emotional after the recent plane crash just a few miles from home. Perhaps it's an accumulation of a series of events I've experienced the past few years. Perhaps it's a whisper in my heart from God. Whatever it may be, I want to take the time to appreciate life and to know I've shown kindness and love to those around me. Happy Valentine's Day!!!!


LL said...

Happy Valentine's Day Pep!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Pep, could you have known your son had just been born the day before!