Although I could not decide if I should post this, I've decided there's really no harm in telling the story, so here goes.
Over the weekend, I announce to BT I need to give up on the adoption. The wait is just too hard and and is effecting me emotionally & physically. I suggested we start thinking of other interests, things to do with our lives. Please know my heart is breaking as I am telling him. But, I just wanted the ache to go away.
Then a few days later, I tell him I'd like to have a Puppy! I want something small, loveable and one that doesn't shed too much.
I upset my poor DH terribly. Bad enough he cried and asked me to please not give up!
He said, "I want a baby, I do not want a puppy!"
Then out of the clear blue sky, I get a phone call. It was someone I know professionally, but over the years we have become good friends. She knows someone who has a newborn and is seriously interested in making an adoption plan. She shared some of the details, of which I am not comfortable posting on a public blog. But anyhow, she told her all about us! She called to see if we are interested? Why sure we are! I gave her the OK to give them my phone number. My friend called me back again yesterday to say they are very interested in talking to us, but they asked for a few days. My friend really believes their decision is a very solid one.
I am trying not to get too excited, as we've been let down so many times before. But, the truth is I am very excited. It all sounds too good to be true!
I keep thinking about how just a day or so before I told my DH I needed to give up.
How many times I've heard when you're ready to give up, good things happen!
Could it be?
I also know I'll be ok if it doesnt work out. I'll know it was God's way of showing me I truly wasn't ready to give up!
A Letter for Dad
3 weeks ago
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you Pep.
Oh my gosh! Prayers, good vibes, karma, fingers crossed, all of it!
It was exactly one week before we got the call that I had the same conversation with my hubby. I'm praying and crying for you.
I'm glad at the very least that God has used the situation to give you a renewed hope.
Praying for you!!
OKAY OKAY!!!!!! YAHOO!!! I knew there was a reason to check your blog this morning. I'll be praying....as always!
So happy for you! I do hope this is your baby. If not, I think this was a sign not to give up.
Thank you for your support on my blog. It means a lot to receive encouragement from others while they travel the same journey :)
AMEN = May It Be So ... Pep, praying for you!!
Pep...don't give up! Please don't...There are reasons for everything...you know that...keep the faith! Hugs
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