Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just A Little Up-date

BT called our SW yesterday. If I had to come up with one word to describe the call, I would say "discouraging" would be the perfect fit.

Let me give you a condensed version of our time line:

October 2003 We attended an orientation at the agency. At that time they were accepting applications. But, they were not accepting couples into the "home study" process.

May 2004 We were invited to begin the home study process.

Dec 2004 Our home study was complete.

Jan 2005 We submitted our completed profile, which officially made us "waiters".

January 2005 - Present We've experienced several situations through our agency as well as a few others we were introduced to through friends and friends-of-friends. None of which resulted in us bringing a baby home.

At the end of this Month we will have officially completed 4 full years of being "waiters" ..with a lot of stories to tell.

So, back to the phone call from yesterday.

BT was told the agency placed 8 babies this year (2008). BUT, there has been little to no activity the past few months. None. We have not been shown. We have not been chosen.


Now, it's the holidays, so of course we're really mourning the absence of a child in our home.

Are we feeling emotional? Very much so! Are we a tad edgy? Perhaps a tad ;)

So, I called a private adoption attorney that comes highly recommended.

Left her a message.. and she called me right back.

We had a great conversation. I will be mailing her a copy of our profile for her review.

I look forward to talking to her again soon.

I also sent an email to another attorney who has our profile. It's been a year, so I thought it would be beneficial to give her a gentle reminder we are still very interested.


LL said...

I am so happy to hear that you contacted an adoption attorney. I pray that you have a baby in your arms soon.

Deb said...

Sorry doesn't cut it when it comes to your wait but I am sorry that your wait has been this long. First I can't believe it took 8 months to do your home study. Wow!
And only 8 placements this year. I'm not one to suggest changing agencies very often but I would definitely tell you to look elsewhere.

So I'm glad to hear that you have 2 attorneys in the works. This guy comes highly recommended but I'm not sure if he works out of state. In case you want to look at someone else. He's who I would use if we ever decided to do a private adoption.

I will be praying that there is some very good activity for you very soon and that your baby will be home in your arms sometime next year.

Rebekah said...

I'm frustrated too. We've only been officially waiting for three months, but in the last 9 months we've had 4 potential situations and they've all fallen through for one reason or another. It's so difficult when you've waited for so long. We're going on our 5th year of infertility and I just want to scream, "CAN't WE HAVE A BABY ALREADY?????"

Hang in there!

Candy said...

I know you don't know me, but I am a friend of a friend of one of your blog friends. You know how that works..look at one and it takes you to another. We are adoptive parents and we are currently waiting for our next baby to be born ANY day now. I may have some advice and help for you or at least some suggestions. Please feel free to e mail me. My address is My name is Candy and I work at Jenks West elementary. I'm totally normal I just feel for you because I have been where you are.

Becky said...

I think a 4 year wait is highly unusual in most all cases. Discouraged and mournful wouldn't begin to describe how you must feel! I'm wit Debbie, and we both used the same agency, I think I would definately pull out there and go elsewhere. Not sure what must be going on?? God must be working on something for you!!

Erica said...

WOW! I can't believe you have waited so patiently this long! That's the longest wait I've heard of! I've never heard of having to wait that long just for the homestudy alone??? I'm with Debbie B, normally I wouldn't suggest switching agencies, but they don't sound right. What agency are you using? You may have mentioned before, but I'm somewhat new to your blog and I don't know. I'm glad you have a couple of other options. If you are interested, the agency we are woring with has an estimated wait time of a year for a healthy newborn. Let me know if you would like their info.


Stephanie said...

I am so sad about this long wait but very happy and hopeful about your making these contacts, Pep. I know God has someone very, very special in store for the two of you!!