You're supposed to do the following:
1. Open the 4th picture folder your computer.
2. Choose the 4th picture and post it on your blog.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same
The above photo is the 4th folder, 4th picture in MY pictures folder. It just happens to be 4 co-workers (including my BT <3) in the C.hannel 4 News Room! How cool is that? OK .... I need to tag 4 persons, but encourage ALL my friendly blog buddies to play along!
Let's see, I am going to randomly choose 4 persons from my Awesome Bloggers List to tag:
PeWee http://meekthejerksandme.blogspot.com/
Stephanie http://iansadoption.blogspot.com/
Debbie http://russianbrown.blogspot.com/
Kathy http://kathyskorner4.blogspot.com/
Fun! I can't actually do it though. My 4, 4, is a pic of BigE saying "cheese." It's adorable, but I have to keep his privacy and not show his face. Your pic is soo fun with all the 4's.
Very cool!
Finally did it!
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