This is perhaps once of my most favorite quotes:
“ The mighty oak was once a little nut that stood its ground. ”
It makes me think - We can all have, do and become all we dream of ..... with a little faith and determination.
Jill & Renee - Thanks for taking them time to read my blog - and all the support and encouragement. You're both so great! Jill - I am also looking forward to posting photos of our little one - and keeping the faith it won't be too much longer! Renee - Same goes for you - I hope your wait isn't too long. I'll be your #1 Fan and supporter, I promise!
I saw the gastroenterologist today. He's sending me for further blood tests. Depending on the results, there are a few options. He could feel the tenderness and says there is DEFINITELY something going on. He's going to start with a scope - but there's also the possiblity he may want to do another test - which is "risky" so I'd have to stay in the hospital for a few days. Augh!!! He said my symptoms are not "classic" of gallbladder disease, but he needs to be sure. He is also recommending I see another specialist... he thinks there a good possibility I may have endometriosis. Another Augh!! So ... prayers are in order!
Work was hectic - but fun! The Preschool Certificates are printed, signed and ready to go!
The programs are "almost" done! The slide show is "almost" done! Rehearsal was great. We have a comical group of graduates this year. . very up-beat class. I laughed out loud when I saw them on stage. Just imagine 20 4-year 0lds lined up on stage wearing white caps and gowns, brightly colored Hawaiian Leis around their necks and star shaped neon sunglasses -singing the song "Ain't It Great to be Crazy?"! I LOVE MY JOB!
Dinner was at CRACKER BARREL tonight - just DH and I! We bought a new CD (Amy Grant - Hymns for the Journey). It's great for anyone, like myself, who was brought up with traditional hymn singing.
Thanks Patti!!!!! {{{Hugs}}} Praying for you!!
YUM YUM YUM...I LOVE Cracker Barrel! What did ya have? I LOVE their dumplins'!
I got a visual on the 20 4 year olds...that's so cute!
Hope you get some answers from the doc soon! Praying for you.
Love the quote about the mighty oak...
Hi Pep! I loved the visual image of the pint-sized graduates! Too funny! Our girls have pre-school graduation tonight and I am looking forward to their special program. God bless!
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