Tuesday, February 20, 2007

We are His Sheep and He is Our Shepherd

We are His sheep and He is our Shepherd

You were on His heart. When He left His home in Heaven, He saw you; when He became a man on earth, He was seeking you; when He stretched out His hands upon the cross, He was reaching out to you; when He returned to His Father, He was preparing a place for you. You are the sheep He has come to shepherd, to guide, to feed, to protect, to shelter, and to carry you. You are the one He calls his own.

- Roy Lessin


Fratzels said...

Today has been a particularly trying day, so reading this came at the perfect time. Thanks for posting it.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I noticed you visited my blog and I wanted to return the favor, then I noticed you are waiting to adopt! We obviously just finalized our adoption. This was our 2nd. :-) Please do stop by again. I look forward to reading more and getting to know you better.


Anonymous said...

Pep - I think your blog looks great. And Elton John's song is perfect! I know your child will definitely be Blessed.