Friday, March 16, 2007

Adoption Up-Date

I spoke to our SW this morning. It's been a while (2-3 mths) since our profile has actually been "shown" to a prospective birthmother.

She explained to me we are couple # 8 on the "general" list. Which means, there are 8 profiles that may be shown before ours. The reason we were shown in the past was because we are couple #2 on the "christian couples" list and those particular bmothers wanted evangelical Christian couples.

So, I do know we are not being shown at the moment and we are not matched. :-(
The agency has placed 2 babies, so far, in 2007.

The triplets were born in Sept. (3 mths early) and placed with a couple in the same town as the agency and the bmother. They have special needs, but are doing ok. Adoptive parents are doing great!

The bmother who wanted a completely open adoption chose another couple. She has yet to deliver.

Our profile was submitted in Dec. 2004. 27 mths later, we aren't chosen .... 8 couples remain ahead of us.

I am feeling extremely discouraged. I've done very well to be strong, up until recently.
I am not exactly sure where to turn at this point. Do I go on believing our agency is going to place with us? Or, should we begin exploring other avenues?

Our SW suggested BT and I explore our own hearts, and pray about it. She was very encouraging. I believe her when she says God has a hand in it and will bless us in his perfect timing. . . . I REALLY, REALLY DO! In the meantime, it just hurts............ any suggestions?

Up-Date on MEGAN -
Megan is the local gal who had contacted us back in Nov/Dec. She is expecting a boy in April and has decided to parent.


Dennise said...

Pep! I am so sorry. I don't have any answers just prayers. Know that your baby is out there!!!

Patti said...

Prayers are what I need most, Dennise. You are also in mine! :-)

Hang in there. I've had my business for 20 years. Most years were very successful. But, we've had our low points. Don't give up on your dreams! :-)