BT and I went bowling tonight. Interesting! Pathetic! Goofy!
But, we had fun, we had "just us" time! It beats sitting home in front of the tv or on the computer. Plus, it was a bargain - games after 9 pm are only $1.50. We snuck a few treats in our coats, took our own shoes and played for cheap! ha!
So, even though we didn't walk tonight - we did get some exercise.
Work was busy today - but it was a good busy. I felt like I had actually accomomplished a lot, with very few interuptions. I did get a few nasty calls from people who need to pay their bill.
It's amazing how when people owe money they turn it around and make you look like the bad guy. That's right, let's put the blame on the child care center who takes care of my children so I can go out and work! Augh!
Tomorrow afternoon I have a meeting with the Superintendent of Schools to discuss building security! I am really excited and anxious to hear what his plans are.
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