I've been thinking, a lot! I want to be sure we make the right choices.
I know it is important (crucial, actually) to remain strong in our faith. We need to believe God has a perfect plan with our current agency! As our social worker said, we may not know it now, but when we receive our little one we will see how God's hand was in this from the very beginning. We will know (without a doubt) God's plan was perfected just for us! She told me she sees it every time a baby is placed in the arms of an adoptive couple.
It sounds like the right thing to do.
I think of Sarai & Abram. They were unable to conceive a child of their own. By letting go of their faith and trying to take matter into their own hands, they created pure havoc. They allowed their impatience to come between them and God by trying to work things out on their own!
And then - I think - are we doing enough? Should we be exploring other options?
Should we be visiting the other agencies - meeting with an adoption attorney?
I do not want to be sorry for waiting so long. We cannot go back and change things -
I want to know I did all I could! :-)
It's a struggle . . . .
It's painful . . . .
I wish I had all the right answers! Or...do I and I don't see it?
A Letter for Dad
3 weeks ago
Awww Pep! I'm sorry you are hurting (((Pep))).
I have to say - it is NOT FAIR of the swers are your agency to suggest that God wants you to stay with them. How do they know that? ---- The thing is they don't. God isn't going to tell THEM what He wants for you. Those choices are between you & BT & Him. That's it.
If you want to seach other options, maybe that IS God telling YOU what to do to build your family. Your agency should not be part of those decisions - it is coercive & manipulative to use your faith in God to get you to say with them, kwim?
I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings - it's a pet peeve of mine when people try to use a religious connection in that way.
Cam! ((( hugs )))
Thanks for your post!
Our caseworker was very encouraging, actually. I truly do not blame her or the agency.
I told her how we're struggling.
She is actually the one who encouraged me to "listen" to the advice others are giving, listen to my heart, pray about it, etc.. but ultimately it is most important Brian and I talk about it and decide what we feel it best for us.
She also assured us that if they placed a child in our arms, it would be then that we'd know God truly had a hand in it.
I really wouldn't say she suggested God wants us to stay with them. I think she was trying to be as encouraging as she could at a really difficult time.
So that is where we are at -
searching other options. Whatever we decide will be what we feel is best, I promise!! ((hug))
Oh goodness, no .... you didn't hurt my feelings in the least. After reading your post, I actually stopped and thought it all through again. I appreciate your love and concern.
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