I am very tired, worn out emotionally & physically. But, I thought I should at least post a bit before going to bed.
We are still waiting to hear from the agency. She told us she'd know something by tomorrow (Friday).
I have found myself "thinking" and "planning" as if we will have a baby in September.
I realize that is going to make it really hard for me if we are not the chosen couple.
On the other hand, my heart continues to remind me the other couple is feeling the same way we are, saying the same prayers and deserves the baby just as much as we do.
I know they've also struggled with infertility - and waited a long time.
So, can I get upset if we aren't chosen?
Tomorrow will be one step closer to bringing home our baby.
We will either learn this is the baby for us- or we will go back to "waiting" and "praying" for the right baby.
As I go to bed tonight, my prayer will be simple . . . and I know God has a plan! :-)
A Letter for Dad
5 weeks ago
God bless you, friend. You're so sweet to think of that other couple, too, in spite of your yearning for your child.
Praying for you guys, Pep!!!! I am biting my nails thinking you could hear any minute now!
*Thinking positive thoughts and sending hugs*
God bless you for thinking of the other couple as they wait to hear if they are the chosen ones... God DOES have a plan...
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