Our profile was shown to a birthmother yesterday. She was given 5 profiles. 3 of them were eliminated. She is deciding between US and another couple. AND ..due in September.
I am trying to stay calm, as I know we may not be chosen. But, it's so hard not to get excited.
Pray for us!!!!!!!!!!!
A Letter for Dad
5 weeks ago
oh Pep! Let it be!!!!!!!!
They just HAVE to pick you. You've waited long enough. Are you going to be told if you are picked?
OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!!! I'm praying specifically that is YOU!!
This is so exciting! You'll be in my prayers!
As always, praying, praying, praying! Exciting stuff!
Just read this . . . praying for you! Also praying for the e-mom who is trying to decide who will raise her child . . .
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